Public Sector Investment Programme 2012


The 2012 PSIP is set out in three (3) parts:

  1. An Overview presents a summary of expenditures recorded in the fiscal year 2011 and budgeted expenditures for 2012, categorized under the following seven development pillars.
  2. Part I of the document gives a report on projects and programmes implemented in fiscal year 2011
  3. Part II presents highlights of projects and programmes planned for implementation in the fiscal year 2012.

Source: Ministry of Planning and Development

Date Published: October 2011

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Informations additionnelles

Champ Valeur
Dernière modification de la donnée 17 Mai 2023
Dernière modification de la métadonnée 17 Mai 2023
Créé le 17 Mai 2023
Format application/pdf
Licence Other (Attribution)
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