Conjuntos de datos
National Digital Transformation Strategy 2024-2027
Ministry of Digital Transformation National Digital Strategy 2024-2027 -
Client/Visitor Dress Code Policy for Government of the Republic of Trinidad a...
This Dress Code Policy, without discrimination by reason of race, origin, colour, religion or gender, outlines the GoRTT’s framework to Ministries, Departments and Agencies... -
Vision 2030 - The National Development Strategy of Trinidad and Tobago 2016 -...
The Vision NDS aims to provide a broad socio-economic development framework. It is intended to provide for an orderly long-term development process, inclusive of the United... -
National Quality Policy 2018 - 2030
The National Quality Policy (NQP) is an instrument to contribute to higher levels of productivity, innovation, competitiveness and consumer health and environmental protection,... -
National Consumer Policy for Trinidad and Tobago 2018 - 2023
This National Consumer Policy was developed to address the legal, institutional and administrative gaps identified by stakeholders in order to effectively address contemporary... -
Special Economic Zones Policy for Trinidad and Tobago
Special Economic Zones (SEZ), are used by governments to develop and diversify exports, generate foreign exchange, create jobs, pilot new policies and approaches, and allow more... -
Yachting Policy of Trinidad and Tobago 2017 - 2021
The Ministry of Trade and Industry commissioned the development of a Yachting Policy for Trinidad and Tobago to create a framework that will restore a high level of sustainable... -
Revised Policy and Procedures to Regulate the Fully Assembled Right-Hand Driv...
This is a Foreign Used Car Policy, developed to regulate the importation of such cars into the country. -
Medium-Term Policy Framework 2011 - 2014
This Medium-Term Policy Framework (MTPF) 2011–2014, embracing the theme ‘Innovation for Lasting Prosperity’ outlines Government’s perspective and intent on the socio-economic... -
Medium-Term Policy Framework 2002 - 2004
The Medium Term Policy Framework (MTPF) 2002-2004 outlines Government’s policies and programmes over the three-year period. The document is rolled over on an annual basis – at... -
Trinidad and Tobago National Policy on Sport 2017 - 2027
The policy vision articulates “The establishment of clear pathways towards holistic sport development and sporting achievement, which lead to the evolution and growth of our... -
GoRTT Office Outfitting Policy 2012 - 2020
This policy aims to provide requirements and guidance on: 1. planning for the outfitting process, 2. designing your office layout, 3. outfitting the office space, 4. utilizing... -
Business Continuity Management Policy for the Public Service 2015 - 2020
Business Continuity Management is a holistic management process that identifies potential threats to an organisation and the impact to business operations those threats, if... -
Fastforward - National ICT Strategy 2003
Trinidad and Tobago’s National Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Strategy is a comprehensive plan that leverages the power of people, innovation, education,... -
SMARTT - National ICT Plan 2014 - 2018
smarTT, National ICT Plan 2014-2018, was developed following extensive national and Government consultations and drew urgent attention to the need to make more intelligent use... -
ICT Blueprint - National ICT Plan 2018-2022
The ICT Blueprint, the National Information and Communication Technology Plan of Trinidad and Tobago for the period 2018-2022 is comprised of a comprehensive system of... -
National Environmental Policy of Trinidad & Tobago 2018
The NEP provides the overarching framework for environmental management. Subsequent national and sectoral policies with bearing on environmental or natural resource management;... -
National Tourism Policy of Trinidad and Tobago 2010
The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago is fully committed to building a nation in which every citizen benefits from its rich natural and cultural resources and in...