The UWI Triple A Strategy 2017 - 2022


The UWI’s strategic plan for the period 2017-2022 emerges from such an understanding of the role of the University within its national, regional and global environments. However, the quality of its survival as the premiere regional academy is a prerequisite to its effective service. Moreover, keeping its house in good operational order is necessary to empower the community and the world beyond. The plan, therefore, captures the multilayered meaning of the University’s mission.

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Campo Valor
Última actualización de los datos Abril 19, 2023
Última actualización de los metadatos Abril 19, 2023
Creado Abril 19, 2023
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Licencia Other (Attribution)
createdhace 1 año
package id54134dbc-ba8f-4d74-9806-59a387a0b682
revision idde1916fb-59a4-47d5-ba84-a4fc04f04a72