Public Sector Investment Programme 2017


Over the next year, Trinidad and Tobago will continue to navigate through challenging economic circumstances brought about by low commodity prices in the energy sector. Over the medium term, the economy is expected to improve with projected growth in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of 2 percent in 2017. Trinidad and Tobago remains heavily dependent on the energy sector and vulnerabilities to exogenous shocks in energy prices, which remain an ever-present risk. Mitigating this requires structural reforms to diversify the economy and improve its growth potential to boost competitiveness and lay the foundation for sustainable growth. The government has developed policies and strategies to achieve sustained economic growth and improve citizens' quality of life, as detailed in the draft National Development Strategy 2016 - 2030 (Vision 2030). In this fiscal year, the PSIP had been aligned to those policies and strategies to set the foundation for growth and development

Source: Ministry of Planning and Development

Date Published: September 2016

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