2003 (Image 2) Aerial Photography of the ...

URL: https://data.gov.tt/dataset/baa8b6ac-cd9a-4666-8646-28d3be276d18/resource/8f9c63d4-c7d0-4c71-8beb-87126c118528/download/2003-image-2-aerial-photography-of-the-queens-park-savannah.jpg

Aerial photography of the Queen's Park Savannah 2003. The image is 15.0 MB on disk and has a dimension of 6028 x 6000 with the horizontal and vertical resolution being 600 dpi. The image was cropped using GIMP version 2.10.12 while keeping the same format and preserving the quality of the original photo.

Informações Adicionais

Campo Valor
Dados atualizados pela última vez 4/Abril/2023
Metadados atualizados pela última vez 8/Março/2023
Criado 8/Março/2023
Formato image/jpeg
Licença Creative Commons Attribution
createdhá mais de 1 ano
has viewsTrue
last modifiedhá mais de 1 ano
on same domainTrue
package idbaa8b6ac-cd9a-4666-8646-28d3be276d18
revision ided6e7dfb-e3d5-446f-a124-9fb12e508663
size15 MiB
url typeupload