Medium-Term Policy Framework 2002 - 2004


The Medium Term Policy Framework (MTPF) 2002-2004 outlines Government’s policies and programmes over the three-year period. The document is rolled over on an annual basis – at the end of Government’s fiscal year and is part of the annual budget exercise. The MTPF 2002-2004 and the Budget 2001/2002 initiate the process of articulating and implementing policies, programmes and projects towards the achievement of Government’s ten-year vision, that is, to become: “A knowledge-based society with a globally competitive technologically driven and diversified economy that will sustain full employment, equal opportunity, growing prosperity, a secure life and the highest standard of living for all its citizens ”

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Dados atualizados pela última vez 10/Setembro/2019
Metadados atualizados pela última vez 10/Setembro/2019
Criado 10/Setembro/2019
Formato application/pdf
Licença GNU Free Documentation License
createdhá mais de 5 anos
package id884bb559-2be1-4dcc-88cd-dd543faa6015
revision idc9419cf0-6888-440c-9411-0b830b064b93