Seismic Data Prices


2D and 3D seismic data, both onshore and offshore, are available for licensing from the Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries, providing that data confidentiality of the dataset has expired. The sale price (USD) is categorized based on the relative age of the dataset ranging from pre-2005 to the present and sold as stated on the website.

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Informations additionnelles

Champ Valeur
Dernière modification de la donnée 1 Février 2023
Dernière modification de la métadonnée 1 Février 2023
Créé le 1 Février 2023
Format HTML
Licence Other (Attribution)
createdIl y a plus de 1 an
package id694f81be-af1e-40cf-8c88-ad67a51f556a
revision idcd112a44-4d73-422d-babb-76b44008a381