Yachting Policy of Trinidad and Tobago 2017 - 2021

URL: https://tradeind.gov.tt/yachting-policy-trinidad-tobago/

The Ministry of Trade and Industry commissioned the development of a Yachting Policy for Trinidad and Tobago to create a framework that will restore a high level of sustainable growth and expansion in the industry leading to increased employment and significant foreign exchange earnings. The specific objectives of the policy are to: a. Improve and expand Trinidad and Tobago's yachting product; b. Reform and strengthen the legal and regulatory framework; c. Improve the human resource and technical capacity in the yachting industry; and d. Improve the environmental and social sustainability of the yachting industry.

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Última actualización de los datos Septiembre 9, 2019
Última actualización de los metadatos Septiembre 9, 2019
Creado Septiembre 9, 2019
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Licencia GNU Free Documentation License
createdhace 5 años
package ide2c0f13f-5af6-4651-8a2c-e38e2bd99307
revision id993dc582-b17f-401f-8e1a-4a184b80647d