Totals Crime by Month Report


The Totals Crime by Month Report will generate comparative graphics based on two (2) years selected on the number of crimes reported to the police officer or the number of crimes detected by the police officer, broken down by months for the selected years. The data can be further explored by the offence for the months of the selected years and the police division area. There is also a table tab that can be clicked to view the data that was used to generate the chart.

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Información adicional

Campo Valor
Última actualización de los datos Noviembre 21, 2023
Última actualización de los metadatos Noviembre 21, 2023
Creado Noviembre 21, 2023
Formato HTML
Licencia Other (Attribution)
createdhace 1 año
package iddfa03e09-3fdb-4c03-9110-8173a798946a
revision idb4749391-d86a-420d-a2e6-dbd18979c187